Wednesday, 31 March 2021

🥀 Tulipa


016 Tulipa

Today I tried to paint some Tulips by copying a picture I found on the Pinterest website.  I have joined two Facebook acrylic painting groups, where I can show mine own artwork off, see what other people are doing and even ask the odd question or two.  

I think one of my next projects will be a Painting of one of my many animal photos.  

I have decided that this picture can be a nice present for Mum and Dad for Easter.


Tuesday, 30 March 2021

🎶 Love is like a grain of Sand

  015 'Love is like a grain of sand' 

from the 1982 song by Fleetwood Mac,  oh Diane


So, when I listen to Fleetwood Mac (as I often do) a song from the1982 album 'Mirage' called 'Oh Diane' I imagine the singer to have had a recent relationship break up and he is walking alone along a quiet sandy beach, stopping every now and again to think of what might've been, and bending down to take a handful of sand and letting it slip easily through his fingers, he realises how easily Diane slipped away from him.


I have added the grains of sands and the 'Love'.  Now time to paint the stencilled lyric.

Sunday, 28 March 2021

🏖 Out to Sea

013 Out to Sea

This project started out life as going to be another song lyric, 'Love is like a grain of Sand' from Fleetwood Mac's 1982 song  'oh Diane'  

This was to be the background and in the foreground, a hand and a mixture of sand and hearts slipping through the fingers as the next line of the song implies.  However this background was far too good in my opinion to cover up with a hand.  So I am keeping it like this.  

The Fleetwood Mac lyric, or another, will return at some point when I maybe have a better vision to accompany it.

Good call I believe.


Saturday, 27 March 2021

🎶 On a Dark Desert Highway


012 'On a dark, desert highway'

The opening lyric to Hotel California a 1977 song by the Eagles.

 An Eagles song Lyric.

That's the background done.

Here I am adding the finer details

Friday, 26 March 2021

🎶 Somewhere you feel free


011 'Somewhere you feel free'

From Tom Petty's 1994 song 'Wildflowers'

I want to do something very different today.  

I wanted to do a Tom Petty lyric.  This one is from the title track of the 1994 Wildflowers album.  

This isn't completed yet, I want to add some simple Wildflowers and try to create the feeling of a meadow in a gentle breeze on a Summer's evening.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

⛵ Sea at Sunset


010 Sea at Sunset

I am going to do my own version of the picture shown on the Laptop that I found on the Pinterest website.

I had a canvas board that I yesterday painted with Magnolia emulsion.  I had previously (a couple of years ago) tried painting something purple on it.  I thought rather than waste it I could reuse it.

This photo was taken after painting the Sky and Sea.  Next is the Black bits, but I'm a little nervous that this bit could easily go wrong.

It is now complete.  This has to have been one of the easiest pictures to do.  I will get a better photo tomorrow in daylight.

Its not too bad at all.  I need to do more like this.  

When I showed my boys they were amazed that it took me just one hour to do this one.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

🐣 Happy Easter


009 Happy Easter 1

So this is the beginning of an Easter Artwork.  It's also experimentally using Tape again.

I have prepared a canvas background in Naples Yellow.  Left it to dry and then taped a Crucifix shape here, ready to paint Black.


Then I painted the inside of the Crucifix twice in black and then let it dry.

I have cut up some tape to make it thinner and then divided the Crucifix into random segments.

Now I have painted all the segments and I will let this stand overnight as it is dark and gone a bit chilly in my Conservatory Studio.  

I have had to be really careful painting the small segments and not going over the lines.  

Until I take all the tape off I am not gonna know if, 

ONE this has worked at all.  
TWO how well it may have worked and THREE how much Bleed and Peel there is, if any.

We will have to wait and see but I can't wait to do this bit 🤩

20 March 2021

Here is the Easter Artwork this morning.  Some of the Red and Yellow segments are being a little stubborn and letting the Black through a bit.  I have lost count now how many layers they have had so now I am just gonna go for it.  

Time for the big Reveal.

I have been looking forwards to this bit.  I then did all the touching up areas, which was tedious but was well worth it for a crisp clean finish.

There is a lot of wispy lines on the stencil that I did use here but I was not happy with the result so I have gone over it all repainting those areas.

Before doing this stage on the one for mum, it will be a good idea to stick tape over the areas of stencil that I don't want.

This picture was taken after I had repainted it. 

Thursday, 18 March 2021

🖌Splodgy lines

008 Splodgy Lines

 After it had fully dried the tape was removed and this was the end result.  

 Another Experiment.  Small canvas Panel has been painted black and tape arranged in a pattern.

I then daubed Splodges of acrylic paint into the black painted sections that are exposed. Now I am going to swish and splurge it all about.  On YouTube someone made this look easy but I found as soon as the colour mixed it just became one mass of brown mess.

I think the secret here is not too much mixing or movement with the knife.  You want to keep as much original colour as possible.  But at times it felt like I was icing a cake!

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

🖌 Smile

006 Smile!



In this small project I have drawn shapes onto a small panel and coloured them with some bright vibrant rainbow colours.

I then covered it over with Masking Tape and with a black sharpie pen I drew a design on top.  In this case I drew some bubble letters saying Smile! and then carefully cut round the design with a craft knife and removed the tape.  You can probable guess what the next step was.

I do love Rainbow Colours contrasting with black or silhouettes so here I went again with another experiment!

Once the Black paint was dry, I peeled off the rest of the tape and this was the finished piece.


Tuesday, 16 March 2021

🌈 Rainbow Ribbons

005 Rainbow Ribbons

Just a little project today.  Still liking working with tape, though I will have to think about getting more.  Today I am using an Electrician's insulating tape so I can see if it bleeds at all.  I am also working on Canvas board so a tape with a stronger adhesion can be used.

So I have started on my experiment today.  Working opposite to my other works I have taped onto blank canvas and using Black at the moment as my segment filler.  I have painted two layers of black.

Taken the tape off after two layers of Black

If you look closely here I have penciled in lines that define whether the colour goes over or under another, and I have also added the colour name just to make it easier.  

It now is as simple as 'Paint by Numbers'

This is how it turned out.  I originally called it 'Maypole' because it reminded me of the ribbons crossing over and under when girls used to dance around the Maypole to celebrate May Day at Whitelands about 40 years ago.  But when I had completed it, it actually reminded me of the very beginning of the opening titles of the 1970's kids TV programme 'Rainbow.' (Link Below)

So its official name is 'Rainbow Ribbons'

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Tape Art 2

004 Tape Art 2

I was so pleased with the first one.  How bright the colours look against the Black background and the sharpness of the lines I wanted to have another go.

So I am reusing the other one of my old canvasses and started making the second in a set of modern art pictures.  All done in exactly the same way as the first.

After adding a few more random bits of tape I coloured it in with Acrylic Paints (adding a few extra colours this time).  This is it at the end of today, I pretty much spent the whole afternoon doing it.

With these tape pictures the fun bit is carefully peeling off the tape.  I will let it sit overnight before doing that bit.

So, I couldn't wait until morning, haha! 

Again, not too bad at all.  A little bit of bleed and Peel in places but again it's exactly as I expected it to be with probably about the same amount of work to do as the first one had.

Please Note though, this photo was taken just before 11pm and the lighting in the Conservatory was not at all good.  This photo was taken using the flash so the colours don't look as true as they would in daylight.

14 March 2021

Here is the finished piece after touching up all the bleed and Peel areas.  It is now complete and I will finish it off with a coat of Matt Acrylic Varnish.

Friday, 12 March 2021

Tape Art 1


003 Tape Art 1

I painted this canvas Black the other day and wasn't sure what to do with it so I stuck tape over it and started colouring in the gaps in with bright Acrylic paints.  I just went for it.

All segments painted.  Now for the big reveal.  Carefully peel off all the tape.

And this is exactly what I expected. 

Some of the Black has peeled off to reveal the original blue that was on this recycled canvas.  

And some of the colours had bled under the tape which I can also spend today putting right.  

But, this stage has gone much better than I expected.

After careful touching up and fixing this was the end result.